Saturday, September 13, 2014

glassfish reload redeploy application without admin console

Glassfish can reload or redeploy the application already deployed.
You dont have to go to the admin console to do that.
If your application is running from locally available files just paste a file named ".reload"(empty file name with reload extension) with the WEB-INF directory or usually where the index file is  and that's it.  Glassfish will redeploy your application.
The contents of the file ".reload" may be empty or atleast I have kept it empty. When you again you have to redeploy your web application just re-upload or run command "touch .reload" in unix and Glassfish will redeploy your web application.
Basically Glassfish just sees the timestamp of the .reload file against the application's last reloaded time. If the timestamp of the .reload file is greater then Glassfish will reload your application.

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